Alexy Metals is an industry leading refiner specializing in Brazing Alloys and extracting valuable GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER and PALLADIUM primarily from Aerospace, Medical, Power Generation, Electronic and HVAC markets. This includes brazed components (embedded) that are non-conforming and cannot be sold or used in hardware. We also consolidate and process non-precious metal braze alloys.

In addition, Alexy Metals recovers all high-grade metals including Hastalloy, Inconel, Stainless, and most Aerospace and medical-grade alloys.
We guarantee satisfaction without risk by providing a refining estimate prior to processing, which is used primarily to eliminate surprises at the time of settlement. This estimate is guaranteed to be your minimum settlement amount (other than metal fluctuation). There are some cases where an estimate cannot be provided based on the material or on mixed lots. Our goal is to capture additional value for your complete satisfaction.

The Cycles of Metals
We are the only company that specializes in Chemical refining of Brazing Alloys. Once processed our raw bullion is used to create new brazing alloys and other fabricated precious metals.
The Process

Raw Bullion
We must start at the beginning. Maybe with Cleopatra's gold.....All precious metals, once mined, can be refined and used over and over again (unless SpaceX puts them in orbit!)

Using bullion that has been refined as high as 99.999% Purity, fabricators or "mills" produce into brazing alloys from silver solder to gold sputtering targets.

These materials are then "consumed" by industry in a variety of applications and processes. ALL of the precious metals in these materials can be recovered as long as the cost does not exceed the value.

All materials with precious metals can be recovered. This includes, edge scrap, obsolete inventory, drips, floor sweeps, brazed components, rags, "empty" syringes, needles, tips, wipes, etc. all will be processed back to 99.999% Purity to start the process again.