AM Ag-0 is pure Silver with very little to no trace elements of impurities. Will wet on most ferrous and non-ferrous metals and provides an excellent, ductile, braze joint with little to no oxidation. Material will flow immediately at its melting temperature and can easily fill joint clearances of 0.001” inch or less.
Brazing Characteristics
Am Ag-0 is a much higher grade the standard commercially pure fine silver which can be only 99.9% purity with high levels oxidation and trace elements. Am Ag-0 is widely used as sputtering targets for vapor deposition, electrical contacts, and many other industry applications where electrical conductivity is essential.

AWS BVag-0
Forms Available
Wire, Foil, Atomized powder, Paste, Sheet, and Preformed shapes; rings, washers, discs, shims, specialty shapes. Two dimensional shapes can be Laser-cut and/or machined with EDM though parts must be cleaned prior to brazing.
Alloy Details
- Brazing Temperature Range High: 1810 F / 988 C
- Brazing Temperature Range Low: 1770 F / 965 C
- Liquidus: 1760 F / 960 C
- Solidus: 1760 F / 960 C
Nominal Composition
- Ag: 99.95%