Product Specifications


AM Cu-0 is pure copper primary used for brazing steel. AM Cu-0 is OFHC (Oxygen Free High Conductivity) and is the purest commercially available copper available. AM Cu-0 is used as an economic braze filler metal for brazing high-volume industrial and automotive components. AM Cu-0 produces ductile, hermetically sealed assemblies when brazed in an inert, controlled atmosphere brazing (CAB) furnace, or vacuum.


Brazing Characteristics 

AM Cu-0 brazes to stainless steel, carbon steel, nickel, metalized ceramics, and Tool Steel. A minimum brazing temperature of 2012° F (1100°C) is recommend.



AM Cu-0 is produced in accordance to American Welding Society (AWS) A5.8 Specifications. Copper Development Association: CDA 101, CDA 102, CDA 110 


Forms Available 

Wire, Foil, Atomized powder, Paste, Sheet, and Preformed shapes; rings, washers, discs, shims, specialty shapes. Two dimensional shapes can be Laser-cut and machined with EDM though parts must be cleaned prior to brazing. 


Compare With: 

  • AWS: BCu-1b
  • Lucas Milhaupt: CDA 110
  • Prince Izant: Gold Braze 2575 
  • UNS: C11000

Alloy Details 

  • Brazing Temperature Range High: 2192°F / 1200°C
  • Brazing Temperature Range Low: 2012°F / 1100°C
  • Liquidus: 1981°F / 1083°C
  • Solidus: 1981°F / 1083°C 

Nominal Composition  

  • Cu 99.9%