Product Specifications


AM Ni-2 is a Nickel based brazing alloy primarily used to join stainless steel, nickel and cobalt  based alloys. AM Ni-2 is excellent for corrosion and oxidation resistance in high temperature  applications. 


Brazing Characteristics 

AM Ni-2 brazes very well in hydrogen and vacuum atmospheres. AM Ni-2 is a free-flowing alloy  (within the capillary) and will diffuse into the base metal creating an inter-metallic layer.  Recommended joint clearance at brazing temperature for AM Ni-2 is 0.001 in. – 0.003 inch. Due  to its long melting range (Solidus to Liquidus) a rapid heating cycle is recommended to avoid Liquation. A minimum brazing temperature of 1930°F (1055°C) is recommend for furnace and  vacuum applications 




AM Ni-2 conforms to American Welding Society (AWS) A5.8/A5.8M 2019: BNi-2 and Society of  Automotive Engineers (SAE) AMS 4777 


Available Forms 

Atomized Powder and Paste 


Compare With: 

- AMS: 4777 

- AWS: BNi-2 

- Wesgo: Icronibsi-7 

- Metglas: MBF-20  

- PI: AMS 4777 

- EN: NI 102 

- UNS: N99620 

- Lucas: Handy Hi-Temp 820 



• Brazing Temperature Range High: 1930°F / 1054°C 

• Brazing Temperature Range Low: 1880°F / 1027°C 

• Liquidus: 1830°F / 1000°C 

• Solidus: 1780°F / 971°C 



- Ni: Balance 

- Cr: 7% 

- Si: 4.5% 

- B: 3.2% 

- Fe: 3%